

Learning objectives:

  1. Customize toolbars
  2. Advanced object snaps using
  3. Construct and modify curves for surface building using control point editing methods
  4. Evaluate curves
  5. Rebuild curves and surfaces
  6. Use a range of strategies to build surfaces
  7. Control surface curvature continuity
  8. Create, manipulate, save and restore custom construction planes and create surfaces and features on them
  9. Use Group objects tool
  10. Make and modify text
  11. Map planar curves to a surface
  12. Create 3D models from 2D drawings and scanned images
  13. Create 2D drawings from 3D objects
  14. Use rendering tools

Learning objectives:

  1. Customize toolbars
  2. Advanced object snaps using
  3. Construct and modify curves for surface building using control point editing methods
  4. Evaluate curves
  5. Rebuild curves and surfaces
  6. Use a range of strategies to build surfaces
  7. Control surface curvature continuity
  8. Create, manipulate, save and restore custom construction planes and create surfaces and features on them
  9. Use Group objects tool
  10. Make and modify text
  11. Map planar curves to a surface
  12. Create 3D models from 2D drawings and scanned images
  13. Create 2D drawings from 3D objects
  14. Use rendering tools
Session Learning objectives
1 Warmup exercise Toolbar  layout Macro editor Shortcut keys Plugins Scripting Template files
2 NURBS topology Curve creation and continuity Curve degree Curve and surface continuity Curve continuity and curvature graph Advanced techniques for controlling continuity
3 Surface continuity Analyzing/matching surface continuity Add knots to control surface matching Surface blends options Fillets, blends and corners
4 Modeling with history Activating history Steps in the history chain
5 Advanced surfacing techniques Dome-shaped buttons Creased surfaces
6 Use background bitmaps Approaches to modeling
7 Applying 2D graphics Making a model from 2D drawing Surface analysis
8 Sculpting Tools for control point editing Gumball Dragmode Nudge setPt insertKnot InsertControlPoint Deformation tools Twist, bend, etc.
9 Blocks definitions Defining blocks Insertion points Embedded and linked blocks Layers and blocks Editing blocks
10 Troubleshooting General strategy Polygon meshes Render meshes Meshes for manufacturing Meshes from NURBS object
11 Rendering properties Scene lighting Image and bump maps Decals
12 Review

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